花猴鸟 发表于 2017-7-5 10:33:40


Is Eucalyptus essential oil or other 1,8cineole rich essential oils safe for children under the age of 10?尤加利精油或者其他富含1,8桉树脑精油对10岁以下的孩子是否安全?
“All substances arepoisons; there is none which is not a poison.The right dose differentiates a poison froma remedy.”–      PARACELSUS – 16TH-CENTURYPHYSICIAN–      “世间万物皆有毒;无无毒之物。正确合理的剂量是区别毒品和药品的关键”–      PARACELSUS –16世纪内科医生。
Let me begin by stating the following: I am a mother of a 9 year oldboy who has been raised solely on herbal and aromatic remedies since birthwithout incident. (I am not saying this to imply therefore it is not possibleto have adverse events with children, because it is, but simply to imply thatwhen used correctly, it is uncommon and incredibly rare.) I am an aromatherapisttrained in the UKover 25+ years ago and I am an avid researcher. I have a growing concern overthe extremes which exists within the aromatherapy community and the amount ofmisinformation both sides of these extremes put forth via the ever expanding webof social media. I am extremely cautious of accepting any given adverse eventwithout properly understanding the individual, the circumstance, and perhapsmost importantly, to me, the authenticity and quality of the essential oilutilized (including possible oxidation due to age of oil used). I don’t believethe passing around in social media of outrageous adverse events serves ourcommunity nor does the growing ‘hysteria’ help to shed light on importantquestions that should be asked when trying to figure out the true nature of anadverse event.请允许我从讲述下面的故事开始本文:我是一个九岁男孩的妈妈,孩子从出生到现在一直采取植物和芳香疗法长大,至今未发生意外。(我并不是因此暗示精油对孩子就没有副作用,因为的确会有,我只是想表示,如果使用正确,发生意外的可能性是微乎其微的。)我是一个25年前在英国受训,从业达25年以上的芳疗师,同时也是一位狂热的研究者。我对芳疗界存在的两种极端主义和极端主义双方通过日益膨胀的互联网社交网络发出的各种误导信息发生日益浓厚的研究兴趣。我特别关注那些接受任何既定负面效应的事件,这些事件没有正确的考虑个案差异,环境差异,以及所使用精油的真实可靠性和质量安全性,这一点对我来对我来说也许尤为重要。(包括由于使用时间太长导致精油的氧化可能性)。我既不相信那些社交媒体不停阐述的在我们社会发生的令人可怕的负面事件,也不相信那些试图歇斯底里阐明在了解事件真实性质之前最应该问的问题。
My personal goal is to cultivate a balancedapproach to understanding essential oils, how to use them effectively, andsafely, which I believe is an extension of ones knowledge of individualessential oils and human physiology. For me, safety is not something separatefrom my relationship with each individual essential oil or with my understandingof the uniqueness of each individual and human physiology rather it is oneaspect I take into consideration when choosing which essential oils to utilize.我个人的目标是培养一种平衡的方法去研究了解精油,如何更有效和更安全的使用,我相信这也是对个体精油和人体结构的知识延伸。对我来说,安全性不是单独存在于我的每个精油个案关系中,或者我对每个精油个案和人体生理结构的特殊性的理解中,而是在选择使用何种精油时必须考虑的重要方面。

So now, let’s dive into the matter at hand:Is it safe to use Eucalyptus for my child?现在,让我们更进一步潜入研究当前论题:使用尤加利精油对孩子是否安全?
Incorrect statements found on the internetwhen searching: Is it safe to use eucalyptus with my child? These are the top 3posts that come up on google search:
Eucalyptus and the cineole chemo type ofRosemary are on the list of essential oils to avoid using on children under age10. Peppermint is not recommended for children under age 6. (http://www.foodrenegade.com/eucalyptus-oil-for-congested-children-busted-essential-oil-myth-1/)尤加利和迷迭香桉树脑成分精油尽量避免给10岁以下的孩子使用。薄荷精油不建议给6岁以下的孩子使用。(来源网站:。。。。。。。。)
*Eucalyptus Eucalyptus camaldulensis,Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus maidenii, Eucalyptus plenissima, Eucalyptuskochii, Eucalyptus polybractea, Eucalyptus radiata, Eucalyptus autraliana,Eucalyptus phellandra, Eucalyptus smithii – avoid using (all routes) onchildren under 10 (from: http://www.learningabouteos.com/index.php/2014/02/07/essential-oils-and-children/)
Peppermint is safe to use at 6+ years butALL eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils should be avoided until 10+ years ofage. (http://www.thehippyhomemaker.com/essential-oil-safety-babies-children/)后二帖子不翻译了哈,总之是要孩子不要使用尤加利和薄荷精油等不当言论。
Other sites have perpetuated this mythwhich appears to have originated from one individual/site (and funnily enough,it is a site that claims to be a source for safety information) and then othershave used the writing to pass around and expand the misunderstanding andmisinterpretation of what Tisserand and Young (2014) have actually said. Solet’s begin there….其他一些网站又使这神秘言论继续保存,而这一言论貌似来自一个私人站点(尤为可笑的是,这个网站声称是安全信息的来源),接下来其他人就使用这些观点和文字传播对Tisserand and Young (2014)观点中的错误理解。

Tisserand and Young
The book ‘Essential Oil Safety – 2ndEdition’ was written by two individuals: Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young (whoso seldom gets the credit he most likely deserves). While I really love thisbook and completely appreciate the time and effort put into it, it seems thatsome forget to actually read it before launching into what “Tisserand said”(which technically should be “What Tisserand and Young (2014) state”). Moreoften than not, the information perpetuated by the collective is incorrect andhence we end up with this kind of incorrect information circulating throughsocial media.《精油的安全性-第二版》,该书由两位独立作者完成:Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young(他们很少得到荣誉但事实上他们最应该得到)我非常喜欢这本书,并且花了大量的时间和精力去研究验证,然而有些人在讨论Tisserand and Young说过的话之前似乎忘了先去阅读他们写的书。(更技术性的应该是Tisserand and Young (2014) 阐明的观点。

So let’s have a look at what Tisserand andYoung actually say about Eucalyptus essential oils and 1,8 cineole.所以让我们来看看关于尤加利精油和1,8桉树脑Tisserand and Young到底说了些什么。
1,8 cineole1,8桉树脑“1,8 cineole does notappear to be as toxic as is often believed, although elevated oral dosescertainly are toxic and children are susceptible to cineole toxicity. The instillationof 1,8 cineole into the noses of young children is clearly not a sensibleprocedure, but this should not be taken to mean that any preparation containing1,8 cineole is highly dangerous to children per se.” (page 526)“1,8桉树脑并不像我们通常以为那般有毒,尽管加大口服剂量必然有毒,并且儿童更容易中毒。把1,8桉树脑滴入幼童鼻子显然并不是明智的做法,但这并不意味着任何包含1,8桉树脑的产品会对每个孩子高度毒性(第526页)

And again, emphasizing instillation intothe nose: “Instillation of 1,8 cineole into the nose of children up to fouryears of age results in non-fatal but serious toxicity, and may interfere withrespiration.” (page 526)再次强调滴入鼻子:“把1,8桉树脑滴入四岁以上的孩子鼻子内并不会产生致命伤害但有严重毒性,并且会干扰呼吸系统。(第526页)

Eucalyptus (cineole-rich) species尤加利种属(富含桉树脑成分的)The contraindication for Eucalyptus cineolerich oils states: “Do not apply to or near the face of infants or childrenunder ten (10) years of age.” (page 273)关于富含桉树脑尤加利精油的禁忌描述:”不要应用于婴儿或10岁以下幼童的脸部或靠近脸部区域”(第273页)
PLEASE NOTE: The contraindication does NOTstate, do not use 1,8 cineole rich eucalyptus oils with children under 10 butDOES state, “do not apply to or near the face”.请注意:应用禁忌并没有说,不要对10岁以下孩子应用富含1,8桉树脑尤加利精油,而是说,不要应用在脸部或靠近脸部区域。
This is very different from saying ‘do not use at all’。这和完全不要用的说法是非常不同的。
The main safety concerns expressed inTisserand and Young’s book are:在Tisserand and Young的书中对于安全性的考虑是这么说的:
Do not instill eucalyptus or 1,8cineole-rich essential oils into the nose of infants or young children.不要把尤加利或富含1,8桉树脑精油滴入婴儿或幼童鼻腔。
Do not apply 1,8 cineole or cineole-richessential oils on the face of children under the age of 10.Note: Oral ingestion will be discussed inpart II.不要把1,8桉树脑或富含1,8桉树脑精油应用于10岁以下孩子脸部。请注意:口服将会在第二部分讨论。

ADDED NOTE: We will also talk about dermalapplication and appropriate doses as high doses that are applied to the skin ofchildren and/or infants, can present problems as well.请再注意:我们接下来还会讨论应用于真皮层以及合适的剂量和高剂量应用于儿童或婴儿皮肤是否会产生问题反应。
What is instillation?何谓滴注?
For those of you who are wondering whatinstillation means: this is when an atomizer, inhaler, or drops are used tointroduce a substance directly into the nose.对那些想知道何谓滴注的人来说,滴注的意思是通过雾化器,吸入器或点滴直接把某种物质注入鼻腔。
According to Tisserand and Young (2014),The instillation of 1,8 cineole into the nose results in both oral ingestionand inhalation of this component.按照Tisserand and Young(2014)的说法,把1,8桉树脑滴入鼻腔会导致口服吸收和呼吸吸收该物质。
“Non-fatal but serioustoxicity in children has been reported in France, Belgium, and the UK withsolutions containing either menthol, niaouli, Olbas oil, or 1,8 cineole thatwere instilled into the nose of children ranging from age 1 month to 3 years.Toxicity or poisoning results in various manifestations from irritated mucousmembranes, tachycardia, dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, muscular weakness,drowsiness and coma. (Tisserand and Young, 2014 citing: Melis et al 1989,Reynolds 1993, Wylie et al 1994, and Decocq et al 1996.)”把含有薄荷醇,桉树醇成分(niaouli,Olbas oil不知道什么意思,不会翻译,知道的大神麻烦指点,此文只讨论桉树醇的毒性哈,所以继续往下翻)滴入一个月大的婴儿到3岁大幼童鼻腔会导致非致命但却有严重毒性的事件在法国,比利时和英国都曾经有报道。毒性会发生各种反应,包括粘液分泌紊乱,心跳过速,呼吸困难,呕吐,眩晕,肌肉无力,困倦,昏迷等。
**Note: Technically, I should find all thepapers myself and cite them directly but I am taking the easy path with thisposting.**注意:技术上来说,我应该亲自找出所有的论文并且直接引用,但我现在采取的是用发这篇帖子的捷径。
It would also be wise to understand that weare talking about Eucalyptus or 1,8 cineole as isolated ingredients, not withinthe framework of a blend or formulation. I believe this is important becauserarely does an aromatherapist use a single essential oil and certainly never,an isolated component. Although for sure, instillation into the nose orplacement on the face, may still be relevant depending on age of child,essential oil used, dilution, etc.. Let’s take a look at this in a moment.First, a review of papers sometimes cited on the internet as examples of theso-called dangers of eucalyptus or other 1,8 cineole rich essential oils.同时我们也应该明智的意识到,当我们讨论尤加利或1,8桉树醇时是把它当做单一独立成分讨论的,而不是放在一个复方混合物或配方的框架里来讨论。我相信这一点也非常重要。因为几乎没有任何芳疗师会只用一种单方精油治疗,当然也绝不会是单一物质。然而我们依然可以肯定,滴入鼻腔或应用于脸部,依然取决于孩子的年龄,所使用精油的种类,稀释程度等。我们花点时间再看看这些。首先,有时被引用在互联网上的论文回顾被当做所谓尤加利或其他富含1,8桉树醇的危险性。
Let’s also remember, it is 2015, a timewhen essential oils are being used by more individuals than ever before. I saythis because I think it is interesting to note the dates on the papers. Oneother important note about research papers and abstracts: while studying at theMaryland University of Integrative Health, I learned that 30% of all researchabstracts do not represent what is actually in the paper. We were trained toalways find the original paper in its entirety before making a judgement as tothe quality of information or the resulting abstract.让我们再回忆一下,正是在2015年,精油以前所未有的程度被个人使用,从一个小众群体产品走向大众群体产品(在这里不得不提到美国的多特瑞精油,正是多特瑞精油的营销方式让精油从一个小众群体产品走向大众群体产品,也正因为此,多特瑞企业在2016年被美国政府授予了有关促进推动精油文化的荣誉。关于多家的精油,大家毁誉参半,不多置评)。我所以这么说,因为我觉得关注论文写作日期会很有趣。另外一个关于研究论文和摘要重要的一点:当在马里兰大学研读综合健康时,我发现所有论文摘要的30%实际上并没有出现在真实的论文里。一直以来,我们的训练告诉我们,就信息质量和相关摘要而言,在做任何判断之前,找到完整的最原始的论文。
Ihave done my best to find or purchase the entire paper of each of the followingresearch papers presented.When I was unable to find the paper,I make note ofthat too. To be continued…我已尽我的最大所能去寻找或者购买到我呈现在此的每篇相关研究论文完整版。在我不能找到论文的情况下,我也会在旁边坐标注。未完,待续。。。。。
End of PART I.第一部分完。PLEASE NOTE: PART II was never written.Iftime opens up in the future I shall revisit this discussion.请注意:第二部分还没有写。如果未来时间允许,我会再度就此讨论。
Warm regards,Jade .暖暖的问候来自Jade.Reference 参考文献
Tisserand,R.and Young,R.(2014).EssentialOil Safety.2nd Edition.United Kingdom:ChurchillLivingstone/Elsevier.英文文章来源:https://aromaticsstudies.com/is-eucalyptus-safe-for-children/翻译:王晓华网络名:龙妈妈花候鸟精油爱好者,研究者,实践者,持续学习者微信公众号:龙宝宝成长手记

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蓝胶尤加利不能用来给儿童熏香或者使用在靠近脸部的位置,避免高比例的18桉油醇刺激呼吸道,因为18桉油醇有 ...


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